Rough beauty: Abandoned houses in northern Virginia

After years of being a history buff, degrees in history and archaeology, and spending countless hours roaming around places that should have been condemned in the US and Europe, I discovered there's an actual job that goes along with it: architectural historian. It's fancy way of saying I love old buildings but it doesn't quite encapsulate the lure of what secrets are tucked away within their walls so I'm going to explore and see what I find in my tiny corner of Virginia.

I especially love decrepit buildings though maturity and a healthy fear of tetanus shots have stopped me from scrambling around dangerous places -- for the most part. Photographs only tell part of the story -- I want it all. There has to be a good ghost story in there somewhere, eh?

Have a building near you that is falling apart? Is it an eyesore or a rough beauty?

Want to see more? Follow my Rough Beauty board on Pinterest!


  1. Beauty. Definitely. Then again, you know me. If the floor boards aren't falling through, just give me a hammer and a Home Depot credit card and I'm jumping in with both feet.

  2. I think there's a lot here to explore, the residue never rubs off of these places.

  3. I remember one that was in a village near where I grew up. The story went, of course, as usually goes with shuttered buildings like that, that it was haunted. I'm not sure I could find it back....
