Spine poetry

My friends at Quirk Books are shaking their bad thangs with spine poetry today at their blog, and I decided to crash the party with my own shelf selections.

The Phantom of Pemberley ice picks, Candide. (ouch)

Dawn of the Dreadfuls: Skinny Bitch

Behind the crystal ball, where dead men walk, this house is haunted

I discovered two things: 

  1. I have a ton of nonfiction books and need to expand my fiction reading
  2. 90% of them are about ghosts or other deliciously dark things
What's on your shelf, Sparky?


  1. Ok, second try.... I love this idea. I'll need to check out my own shelves. This is one of those activities that we can't do with a reader. :)

  2. I haven't heard of that before...

    I'd have to check my own shelves. It's a mix of spy thrillers, humour, history books, academic journals, and graphic novels.
